I just got a notification that all but 2 of my adeptus amongus art was taken down from a complaint by games-workshop. Meanwhile there are 35 pages of art in the warhammer 40k tag that hasn't been touched! I just want to cry. I've worked on these guys for 9 months. (I started work in march of last year). I poured my blood sweet and tears into this. I was even starting to sell a few stickers. I pushed myself past my comfort zone and started posting them this month. I was terrified nobody would like them. I don't have much self confidence. It made me feel like I was worth something. I made something people liked. It's not much but it was more than I dared myself to believed was possible. Makes me want to stop drawing altogether. I still had a lot of ideas I wanted to make, I was thinking terminators, chaos marines, weapon hands, & even making the primarchs. Now I don't know if I can make any of them without games-workshop coming after me. I could appeal but redbubble policy's would make it extremely hard. Should I even try? I might try printing them up myself and selling on etsy or ebay. Anyone have any suggestions? Either way I'm going to keep uploading to my social accounts, I just don't know If I'll be able to sell stickers anytime soon.